created on 03.10.2015 at 12:14

A blog post by

Gerrit Böselager

Display change documents of the material master


Here I would like to introduce you to the SAP report RSSCD100. This small program can read out the change documents for various SAP objects and display them in tabular form. It uses the SAP tables CDHDR and CDPOS.

The report can be helpful, for example, if the changes made to the material master are to be read out for a certain date range. The "New value" and "Old value" fields are also listed in the result list.

For this example, the object class "MATERIAL" and the material number must be used as the object ID.

The program can be run with transactions SE38 or SA38.

PS: With this report, for example, the change documents of BANFen (purchase requisitions) or orders can be displayed. Simply use the object class EINKBELEG or BANF and specify the order number as the object ID.

Additional object classes for change documents:

  • MATERIAL (material master)

  • MRP_AREA (changes to MRP areas in the material master)

  • EINKBELEG (purchasing document)

  • BANF (purchase requisition)

  • FAKTBELEG (invoice)

  • HNDL_UNIT (handling unit)

  • KLIM (credit limit)

  • KRED (creditor master)

  • DEBI (customer master)

  • LIBE (supplier assessment)

  • LIEFERUNG (delivery)

  • MELDUNG (IH - notification)

  • ORDERBUCH (order book entries)

  • SERNR (serial numbers)

  • VERKBELEG (sales document / offer / order)

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